Friday 11 October 2013

Miracle in a Cell no 7


1;03 a.m , 12/10/2013 , Jumaat , No.2 Kg Parit Wahid Bakri Batu 5 Muar
I was watching a "miracle in cell no.7" with my cousin
this is a korean movie
I really enjoy watching it

but ,,, if you want to watch it ,
you have to prepare a box of tissue paper besides
it is becoz , during watching this ,
I can't control my tears


A father (Ryoo Seung-Ryong), who is mentally handicapped, but loves his daughter very much, is falsely accused of a crime and sent to prison. Later, his daughter Ye-Seung (Park Shin-Hye, who is a law school student, works to prove his innocence.
Back in 1997, Yong-Goo lives happily with his daughter Ye-Seung (Kal So-Won), even though he has the intelligence of a child. They stop by a shop everyday to look at a yellow Sailor Moon backpack that he hopes to buy his daughter. One day, they notice that the last yellow Sailor Moon backpack is being sold. Yong-Goo goes inside the store to plead his case, but the father buying the backpack ends up slapping Yong-Goo.
The following day, the girl who bought the yellow Sailor Moon backpack sees Yong-Goo working in the grocery store parking lot. She tells him that she knows another store that sells the same yellow backback. Yong-Goo follows the girl to a traditional outdoor market. A short while later, the girl is laying on the ground unconscious and Yong-Goo is trying to perform CPR. A woman walks by and calls the police.
Yong-Goo is accused of kidnap and murder. The father of the dead girl is also the chief of the National Police Agency. Yong-Goo is given the death penalty and incarcerated. In prison, Yong-Goo shares a jail cell with five other inmates. One day, Yong-Goo saves the life of his cellmate So Yang-Ho (Oh Dal-Su) from a rival prison gang leader. So Yang-Ho then offers to help Yong-Goo in any way he can to return the favor. Yong-Goo tells So Yang-Ho that he wants to see his daughter Ye-Seung. The five inmates then plan to make a miracle happen.



Wednesday 9 October 2013

Thank You ALLAH :)


Alhamdulillah ,
 kita masih diberi peluang untuk menyedut  oksigen dan menghembuskan karbon dioksida , 
pada saat ini

t'sentap x , baca kate2 at atas ?
sebab tu kte kena selalu b'syukur 
hidup itu sememangnya indah
walau , kadang kala dugaan datang menyapa

namun , sebagai hambaNya 
kita hanya mampu berUSAHA , berDOA & berTAWAKAL  kepadaNya

anggap dugaan itu satu hadiah dari ALLAH
sentiasa b'sangka baik dgn ALLAH
(elehhh,,,cakap senang..)
aq tahu tu , bak kata pepatah "berat mata memandang , berat lagi bahu yg memikul"

aq pun , bukanlah seorang yg hebat
aq selalu kalah dalam mghadapi dugaan
terlalu cepat mengalah
baru jer 'cik dugaan' tu nak datang,,,
p'kataan 'KENAPA?' sudah t'sedia
tapi , hadiah ALLAH (dugaan2) inilah yg menjadi tutor kehidupan aq selama ini
ye lah ,
bila  meningkat dewasa ,semakin byk dugaan yg aq hadapi
aq menjadi semakin matang dlm menilai 
menjadi semakin b'hati-hati dlm membuat keputusan

kadang-kala , t'lintas jugak di fikiran , bahawa
"kehidupan , itu sesuatu yg menakutkan"

namun , Alhamdulillah , sebagai seorang muslim
 sentiasa aq ingat yg ,  ALLAH itu sentiasa ada untuk hamba2Nya
 sememangnya ,,, 
jauh b'beza corak pemikiran aq semasa b'umur 12 tahun dengan sekarang ni.
ble dipikirkan semula , aq t'gelak sendirian, 
dek kerana membayangkan angan2ku dulu
sungguh mudah untuk aq memasang angan2 indah seperti itu dulu
 arrrgggghhh,,,seriously , i'm going crazy 
if I have a machine time 
I want go back 
to that moment

it's impossible
there are no machine time
there are no DORAEMON that can help you


the most important now is ;

that's why , I want to say 


Sekian ,
 Terima Kaseh kerana sudi membaca